The New Pavement on Bernal Heights Boulevard Makes It Feel Like Mulholland Drive (In a Good Way)

Bernal Heights Blvd.

Our City recently repaved Bernal Heights Boulevard.

Yay City! Yay Infrastructure!

The new road is so very smooth, which makes for happier motoring. (Or biking, or skateboarding, or go-carting, or whatever.)  The new road is also so very black, with a brand-new yellow stripe, which makes it so very cinematic, and especially at night.

After dark, it now evokes Mulholland Drive. Not in the woo-woo Los Angeles sense, but in the creepy David Lynch Mulholland Drive sense, which is so pleasingly atmospheric.

Image: Telstar Logistics

2 thoughts on “The New Pavement on Bernal Heights Boulevard Makes It Feel Like Mulholland Drive (In a Good Way)

  1. Oh I heard that the city was going to be testing a new type of pavement — I wonder if this is it. The Bike Coalition wanted peoples’ opinions of it.

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