Interim Mayor Ed Lee Greets the Natives on Cortland Avenue

Mayor Edwin Lee greets merchants in District 9 with Supervisor David Campos

Ed Lee, our City’s interim mayor, went for a stroll along Cortland Avenue with Distruct 9 Supervisor David Campos last weekend, and Sing Tao Daily was on hand to cover the scene:

天氣晴朗,春意盎然。三藩市市長李孟賢昨天展開首次巡街「走透透」的行程,以步行的方式挨家挨戶探訪Bernal Heights社區商家與市民,希望藉此了解民眾需求,作為政府施政與建設考量的方針。據悉李孟賢下一站可能前往訪谷區巡街。

受第9區市參事坎帕斯(David Campos)之邀,三藩市市長李孟賢昨天前進Bernal Heights社區,沿著Cortland大道訪問商家與市民,李孟賢除親切問候外,也向商家們詢問三藩市當局是否有可以幫手改善市況與街道硬體設施的地方,期望能夠在眾人齊心協力下,改善市民生活品質與促進地方小商業的經濟發展。


Bernal Heights社區除了住宅外,更是許多小商業蓬勃發展的地區,書店、雜貨店、影碟出租店、咖啡廳、寵物店皆是小本經營模式商家。



UPDATE 9 Feb, 2011: Darcy from Heartfelt on Cortland managed to get some facetime with hizzhonor Mayor Lee during his visit, and sent this photo along. Work it, Darcy!

Photo: Top, Mayor Ed Lee on Cortland, with supervisor David Campos and a typical fashion-obsessed Bernalian, via Mayor Ed Lee’s Flickr account

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