Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema Invades La Lengua

Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema

Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema

Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema

The Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema moved to Tiffany Street last night, deep in the heartland of La Lengua. That BHOC chose to hold an event in La Lengua should come as no surprise; as an official cultural arm of the Dominion of Bernalwood, it is Bernal’s sovereign right to recolonize the territory by staging such events at the time and place of our choosing.

Rebel Leader Burrito Justice

What seemed odd, however, was the decision by Burrito Justice, the leader of the La Lenguan separatists, to serve as MC for the event. Picture John Adams leading the Continental Congress in a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday, King George III” in 1776, and perhaps you can see what I mean. Most curious.

Happily, the assembled crowd seemed blissfully indifferent to such geo-political nuances. Indeed, Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema attracted a robust cross-section of neighborhood glitterati, and between sips of Don Perignon and nibbles of caviar, there was much blowing of air kisses and overheard conversation about overseas tax shelters and recently concluded vacations in Monaco.

Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema

As for the films, they were good clean fun. I had to leave at the intermission, alas, but among the ones I saw, I quite smitten by Kathy Kensinger’s “Cooking with Grandma,” a very well-produced short about making blackberry jam. (Watch it here) We also saw “Remotely Controlling,” by Zachary Zivnuska:

The Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema Festival continues tonight on Cortland Street, with continuous film screenings from 7 to 9 pm, and a kiss-kiss after party happening at the Lucky Horseshoe. On Saturday, the festival moves to Precita Park. Hope to see you there, dah-link.

PHOTOS: Telstar Logistics

4 thoughts on “Bernal Heights Outdoor Cinema Invades La Lengua

  1. This event is one of the very many reasons that I fell in love with everything about Bernal Heights immediately upon my first visit and am now moving from Boston in just a couple of weeks to search for an apartment in Bernalwood! Vive la Bernalwood!

  2. The ReCuOuCo (Revolutionary Cultural Outreach Council) chooses to overlook your Imperialistic Snark on La Lengua’s effort to better understand the “Hill People”. The instructional video on multigenerational food preservation techniques was particularly informative.

    The two longer films at the end were quite good. I’m kicking myself for not realizing who Mona Caron was – the canal in her Market Street Railway mural was one of the catalysts behind my Islands of San Francisco map.

  3. The band that kicked off the night was awesome as well. I’m proud to live in a place where a lesbian Patsy Cline cover band is entirely normal.

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