Paging Reverend Lovejoy: 1960s Church For Sale on Norwich

There’s a church for sale at 30 Norwich, just south of Precita Park:

6,213 square feet on two floors. 7,425 square foot parcel. 4,300 square foot parking lot. Dining Hall, kitchen, deck, study room, child care room, seats over 200 in Church area, heavy power, spinklered.

Built in 1967, the building was most recently home to the Grace Korean Presbyterian Church. It’s now offered at $2.4 million. Start passing the collections tray.

PHOTO: San Francisco Multiple Listing Service

10 thoughts on “Paging Reverend Lovejoy: 1960s Church For Sale on Norwich

  1. I would love it if someone turned this into a synagogue. Wondering if The Kitchen would be interested, though that might go against their indie pop-up style….

  2. A little (written) oral history on the church, which is my next door neighbor. When speaking to now-passed-away across the street neighbor Francesca, she informed me that it was a broom factory for many years, starting in the 1950s. I believe she said in the late 1960s it was converted to a church and had the addition added to the top of it, blocking the views of many homes from across the street. For a while it was a Samoan Church before becoming the current denomination in what I gather was the early 1990s.

    A broom factory! Amazing.

  3. Is not blocking nobody’s view is the same height as the rest of the houses next to them

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