What Happened to the Old Cancilla’s Market Sign, and What You Could Do With It in Your Living Room

Once upon a time not really all that long ago, the Precita Park storefront on the corner of Folsom and Bessie that we now call Harvest Hills was a rather typical corner store known as Cancilla’s Market.

It was called Cancilla’s Market for several generations and many moons, until the space changed hands. Today’s Harvest Hills has a decidedly more gourmet flavor, and little now remains of the former Cancilla’s except the funky midcentury San Francisco wallpaper that still lines the walls. All the other bits and pieces of the old place have been scattered to the wind — including the big Cancilla’s Market sign that used to hang out front. Until now.

The former Cancilla’s Market sign has resurfaced in Sacramento, and Bernalwood has learned that it has been repurposed for use as a home media center.

Wait… what?

Artist Cody Lane contacted Bernalwood to explain:

I am an artist/builder of things in Sacramento CA. I purchased this sign some time ago at a used furniture store in Davis CA, and it transformed it into a media center or book shelf. The piece will accommodate a flat screen up to 50″ and components. The Cancillas sign was a lucky find and it’s a really interesting piece of functional found art. The sign is for sale, and I can deliver and install if needed.

Email Cody if you’d like to watch television inside a genuine slice of Bernal Heights history.

PHOTOS: via Cody Lane

2 thoughts on “What Happened to the Old Cancilla’s Market Sign, and What You Could Do With It in Your Living Room

  1. Leonard, It’s not big enough. I was told a truck backed into the pole on the corner and the pole took out the sign about 15 years ago. We have been contemplating a sign with a cow on a surfboard that tells patrons what wave of produce is coming in. Something where the kids could push a button and it would move, moo or light up…

    But if the sign ever comes up for sale we’d love to bring it back home.

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