Bernal Cutlery to Move from Bernal Heights but Remain “Bernal Cutlery”


The paradoxical thing about the foodie incubator at 331 Cortland is that — by design — the businesses you know and love most there will eventually move elsewhere. The purpose of 331 Cortland is to nurture fledgling businesses so they can go on to bigger and more glamorous things. So lots of wistful goodbyes at 331 Cortland means that the place is working pretty much as intended. That’s what happened with Ichi Sushi. That’s what happened to El Porteña. And now it’s happening to Bernal Cutlery.

Hooray! Dammit.

Neighbor Kelly from Bernal Cutlery tells Bernalwood the happy-sad news:

Thank you Bernal Heights for eight years of dull knives and sharp wits.

The rumors are true. Bernal Cutlery is hatching from the 331 Cortland small business incubator and will be opening a new shop at 593 Guerrero (at 18th St) next month. And yes, we are proud to say we will still be called Bernal Cutlery.

Bernal Heights has been the neighborhood that has been home to our growing family and growing business for the last 10 years, and we are immensely grateful to have had the support and encouragement of the neighborhood.

We also must make a point to thank the 331 Cortland small business incubator project for providing us the springboard to grow our business with a brick and mortar location. This has been key in our evolution from a shoestring home based-operation to what we are today.

We seek to create a drop off spot on the hill for all of our Bernal Customers. Stay tuned for details about who our host spot will be, and who the new vendor at 331 will be!

Lots of love and appreciation,

Josh and Kelly and our three boys: Charlie Henry and Milton

PS: Taka-san says, ‘peace’!

PHOTO: Josh and Kelly of Bernal Cutlery

15 thoughts on “Bernal Cutlery to Move from Bernal Heights but Remain “Bernal Cutlery”

  1. Good for them. But it’s going to confuse so many to see “Bernal Cutlery” at Guerrero & 18th St. Some people might accuse Bernal Heights of having creeping imperialist tendencies.

  2. Big congrats!

    I can’t wait to take them my knives at the new location. It seems like just yesterday I dropped my knives off at Drewes Bros! (That was them, right?)

    My pops calls these instances of business name/location incongruities “Herb Caenisms”, like Cortland Upholstry on Persia and Mission, Bayview Nails in La Lengua, Van Ness Auto Body on 14th, etc.

  3. Awww man. I second the, “Hooray! Dammit.” So sad to see them go. Who will I wave to everyday in that window? But glad for them, as well. They’re really good people who deserve to succeed.

  4. Is it true they will be replaced at 331 Cortland by an local, artisan, payday loan startup?

  5. Many best wishes to them both as they move upward and onward! I’m sure we’ll still see them in the hood, particularly around Library Park with their boys.

  6. Pingback: New Wafflemonger Will Bring Carmel-Glazed Waffliciousness to 331 Cortland | Bernalwood

  7. Congratulations Josh on this new stage on your illustrious journey to keep us all sharp and cooking great food!

  8. Pingback: Bernal Cutlery Introduces Drop-Off Service via Avedano’s | Bernalwood

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