Thursday: A Community Meeting to Discuss Bernal Infrastructure Projects

A meeting will happen Thursday, April 25 at Leonard Flynn School at 6 pm  to share information about several major infrastructure projects happening in Bernal Heights — including the  Cesar Chavez greenification effort (now that the sewer replacement project is complete):

The San Francisco Department of Public Works (DPW) and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) would like to invite you to attend an upcoming community meeting to discuss the ongoing Cesar Chavez Sewer & Streetscape Improvement Project as well as other projects under construction in the Mission and Bernal Heights neighborhoods. We plan to also provide details about additional DPW/PUC led projects that will be “coming soon” to Bernal Heights and the Mission.

onesf_cchavez-001 2

You’ll find lots more detail about the Cesar Chavez project here.

Also, remember: Infrastructure Is Sexy.

PHOTO: Top, artist rendering of proposed Cesar Chavez landscaping

6 thoughts on “Thursday: A Community Meeting to Discuss Bernal Infrastructure Projects

  1. wish i could attend! would somebody PLEASE try to get the city, or whomever, to tidy up around the overpass on cortland, just before bayshore? it is a trashy, graffiti splattered, rat-ridden mess–hardly an appropriate gateway to our lovely neighborhood…

  2. Hi Todd, looks like the meeting is for April 25 (next Thursday) not tonight, tried to comment , but couldn’t. Thanks. Susan

  3. As as 23-year resident of the Dolores Expressway, I snicker at anyone who thinks the new layout of Army Street is going to calm traffic.

    • There won’t be less of it, but it will be a hell of a lot less ugly. Dolores is as nice a street as it could be at those volumes, all things considered.

      Wish they’d push these meetings closer to 8pm. It might make for an occasional long workday for some city folks, but in the long run, they’d be making their lives a little easier.

  4. Wonder if the plans include actually repaving CC? The street is pretty torn up especially under the Pot/101/Bayshore underpass all the way to 3’rd St.
    I applaud the cyclists who actually ride to the 22’nd street CalTrain station every day and have to endure that mess.

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