Lost and Found: Did You Lose a Big Wad of Cash Yesterday?


Say, did you happen to misplace some cash in Bernal Heights yesterday? Because a very kind Bernal neighbor found a big chunk of money that she wants to return to its owner:

I found some money near a playground in Bernal. It’s a considerable sum, and it would be great to find the rightful owner. Based on the way it was folded, it looks like it may have fallen out of someone’s pocket. I do want it to go to the rightful owner, so anyone interested in claiming it would need to name the playground it was near, the approximate amount, and the time it could have been lost by the playground.

There you have it. If you think this money may have been yours, email bernalwood AT gmail DOTCOM and describe where you think you lost it, how much money you lost, and when you think you lost it.

Bernalwood will forward all responses to the good samaritan who seeks to return it.

PHOTO: Freshly printed bills by Yakpimp on Flickr

8 thoughts on “Lost and Found: Did You Lose a Big Wad of Cash Yesterday?

  1. Wow What a honest person! That is truly amazing. I hope you get a nice reward for your kind efforts.

  2. One of the reasons I love Bernal Heights. People are so nice and helpful and honest. Hope you find the owner. Whoever it is must be devastated, Hope they read Bernalwood.com or someone tells them.

  3. I am sure someone left it as an anonymous donation to fix the tunnel slide at the Library playground.

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