Elsie Street Library Opens Mysterious Main Branch

STEUER-mainbranch1 Neighbor Sharon found a secret public library tucked away along a leafy portion of Elsie Street north of Cortland. She has no idea how or when it got there:

I’ve always thought of Bernal as “Brigadoon” — a small town atop a hill in a city where even San Francisco residents ask “where is that?” when we mention it.

So whether, like Brigadoon, the Elsie Street Library Main Branch has always been there, or just appeared on certain days, to certain people, I can’t say for sure.

I walk the street all the time. I’m always looking at the houses and the flowers, seeing the paint colors and street plantings. I can’t tell you for sure when the elves set up this library, but we’ve never seen it before. I love it!

PHOTO: Neighbor Sharon

9 thoughts on “Elsie Street Library Opens Mysterious Main Branch

  1. Built by Marty Combs, inspired by Marc Coronado who serves as Head Librarian. On the lit-lovin’ 200 block of Elsie (previously Cherubusco) Street between Cortland & Eugenia.

  2. Brigadoon – 1966 Film. Robert Goulet…”Almost Like Being In Love.”
    Was only 7yrs old and I remember the musical.

  3. Marty Combs, come to the lit-loving 300 block of Montcalm, off Alabama! You can park one of these babies in our little front patch of dirt, next to the camellia tree. I’ll happily stock it myself!

  4. Pingback: Good Morning Mission | Mission Loc@l

  5. These are all over Seattle! And each one was unique and elaborate.
    I think we may need to build one too

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